Reduce Winter Weather Driving Claims

Even when the conditions are perfect, there is always a risk when you are behind the wheel. You can do everything perfectly and there is still the possibility of having an accident or being subjected to an auto insurance claim. You might be able to control how well you are driving, but some things will always be out of your control. There will always be other drivers on the road and some will not be as careful as you. At the same time, road conditions, debris, or other unexpected items can cause damage to your car or result in injuries to you and other passengers. When you are driving in the winter, weather and other seasonal conditions make an accident or auto insurance claim even more likely. You cannot eliminate all risks, but you can greatly reduce them by making sure your car is ready for winter weather. 

Car Maintenance for Winter Weather

Accidents happen and it is impossible to remove all the risks associated with driving. Whenever you get behind the wheel, there is a certain amount of risk that you have to accept. However, that does not mean that you cannot greatly reduce the chances of a car accident or auto insurance claim. By spending your time and energy focusing on what you can control it is possible to reduce the likelihood of accidents and auto insurance claims. Here are some simple things you should do for your car every winter to make car accidents and car insurance claims less likely.

Use Winter Tires

We all know that a full set of tires can be expensive. So, is it necessary to have a full set of winter tires on top of your normal tires? Many drivers do not think they are necessary. In a recent survey, 67 percent of those who responded do not believe they need winter tires because they have all-season tires. Additionally, 53 percent of drivers do not believe they need winter tires because they have all-wheel drive vehicles. Unfortunately, these respondents have a false sense of confidence when it comes to their ability to navigate snow and ice. 

The truth is that winter tires are far superior to merely all-wheel drive or all-season tires. Winter tires are great for any place where the temperature consistently stays below 45 degrees. While nobody likes to spend extra money on an extra set of tires, winter tires give you better traction, which reduces the risk of having an accident. Reducing the chances of having a car accident or filing a car insurance claim is a huge savings and that alone makes winter tires worth the cost

Check Your Tire Pressure Consistently

If you are a football fan, then chances are you know cold weather can deflate anything filled with air thanks to the New England Patriots, Tom Brady, and ‘deflategate’. The science is conclusive. For every ten degrees the air temperature drops, it can reduce your tire pressure by one to two pounds. This is potentially very dangerous. Driving on underinflated tires can reduce your traction and increase the risk of having an auto accident or filing an auto insurance claim. On top of that, driving on underinflated tires can cause premature wear and tear, even if you remain accident-free. This is why it is important to check your tire pressure weekly, at a minimum when the winter weather sets in. 

Keep Your Fuel Tank Full

Running out of gas and being stranded is never a good time, even when the weather is perfect. Running out of gas in the middle of winter, though, can be downright deadly. You only have to look back to a couple of weeks to see what we are talking about. A snowstorm caused hundreds to be stranded for more than a day on I-95 in Virginia. Some drivers ended up abandoning their vehicles on the interstate to try and escape the conditions. Keeping your fuel tank full will allow you to keep your car on even if you’re stuck for an extended period of time. Being stuck in the snow is never ideal, but it is always worse if you do not have the gas to keep your heater turned on. 

Final Thoughts

Driving your car comes with inherent risks, which is why we have car insurance. On a long enough timeline, accidents happen no matter how careful you are. That is why it is important to have auto insurance with a trusted carrier who will provide you the coverage you need at a great value. If you want to learn more about how to keep your vehicle safe during the winter or what type of coverage you should carry, contact us. The insurance professionals at Streamline Insurance are here to find an auto policy that is perfect for your needs and your budget.


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